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Spring/Summer 25 collection

co-go spring summer 25 collection
spring summer 25 collection
Dieci è una storia iniziata dalle nostre mani, o forse prima ancora dai nostri occhi. Racconta un'idea di bellezza: precisa, nitida, protetta dal rumore del tempo. Bellezza non astratta, non eterea; insofferente alle definizioni, un po' ribelle, sempre così inaccontentabile. - Dieci is a story that started with our hands, or maybe even earlier than that, with our eyes. It is a story about an idea of beauty: precise, spotless, protected from time. Neither abstract nor ethereal beauty; a beauty thet doesn't want to be put in a box, a bit rebellious, always very insatiable.
2014, nasceva questa nostra idea di bellezza. Con la forza della creatività e il principio irrinunciabile della sartorialità desideravamo rendere quella bellezza tangibile; desideravamo che fosse materia, forma, colore, disegno, tutto. Che fosse donna. La inseguivamo pensando che, prima o poi, sarebbe diventata qualcosa. - In 2014, this idea of beauty came to life. With the sheer force of creativity and the undeniable principle of tailoring, we wanted to make this idea of beauty tangible, we wanted it to be material, shape, colour, design, everything. We wanted it to be woman. We chased this idea with the belief that, sooner or later, it would become something.
spring summer 25 collection
spring summer 25 fashion Collectionspring summer 25 fashion Collection
co-go collection ss2025
spring summer 25 collection pink and black outfit
spring summer 25 collection dress
spring summer 25 collection pink dress
spring summer 25 collection maison cogol'estate è arrivata e tu sei bellezzaspring summer 25 collection coat
spring summer 25 collection coat
spring summer 25 collection shirt
spring summer 25 collection co.go
spring summer 25 collection co.go dress
spring summer 25 fashion collection
spring summer 25 fashion collection cogo
spring summer 2025 fashion collection
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